MLH - V 11 is Done and extended Demo

So the pool took a bit of a turn and became a huge update. Probably the biggest yet. You will get to know the woman in your swim class and have some wild little adventures. Also, the demo will now extend in to the Gym class. Probably the first area where things start to get a bit more wild. If you have only tried up until 1st period give Gym class a try :)

354 new animations and maybe 20 still images

Link to Game website - MLH

The game is also now on Ren'Py version 8.0.1. There was a little hiccup but then I got it to work. Not sure I notice any performance increases? But I think it is always good to at least use the latest and greatest version of any platform.

The current game is now up to:

  • 1,866 videos and 14 gig file size. (May need to start splitting it up? But 14 gigs for a desktop or laptop game really isn't much)
  • Some still images..Like maybe 30? Most are actually inside videos so not really sure they count. Also, there are some at the beginning with Nya.

Version History:

  • 0.11 - The Pool
  • 0.10 - The Library and Corridor 
  • 0.09 - Art class
  • 0.08 - Roofs
  • 0.07 - The Dungeon
  • 0.06 - Gym
  • 0.05 - 1st Period
  • 0.04 - The Corridor
  • 0.03 - Breakfast
  • 0.02 - Entering School
  • 0.01 - The Train - Seems like forever ago...

Also, I have started animating some of the still and Patreon images to reflect what the actual game looks like. Neither really like animated gifs very much so I have to not go crazy with it. The page starts to stutter and becomes hard to edit. Below is a sample of an idle area where woman are just talking. Of course the sex scenes are animated too...I mean everything is. Also, the little icon has every High School 18 year old girl in it that you have or will encounter. A-Z. 

Please consider following my Patreon page at My Little Harem or consider supporting me there. My update cycle is once a month right now. Each update is around 150-350 videos and lots of dialogue. I hope to grow a large group of supporters and get to a point where I can do this full time. It is so much fun to create and to come up with crazier and crazier ideas while not going into the obscene level (The Boyz season 3 kinda went too far sometimes). I am really a fan of Anime like Dragon Ball Z and Avatar and movies like Powder and most Marvel movies. Really I like the evolution of characters and then evolution on top of that. Usually its the origin stories that get me hooked. Also, I like dark humor and strange things.  So this will not just be some typical Harem game. Many of the things I can't show in screenshots are the things that are the coolest or wildest. I am not a fan of spoiling anything and go out of my way to avoid it but I do need to show some of what is going on.

As a side note I ended the mailing list. I was sending the link off to previous supporters but its not fair to Patreon supporters. Please if you would like to continue supporting the game, consider Patreon support or just purchasing it again on every once and a while. Its less than a cup of coffee...By a lot. I have been on pretty much a new version every month schedule. The dungeon took longer but I think that was the only one. Version 0.12 will maybe take a bit more time than a month but I think it will be worth it. I have this whole thing planned out that will start at the end of swim class.


Nya and Beta

Spoilers below----------------------------------------------------------

In this update you get to go to different places and experience each woman's favorite place to be and there are some surprises. You may not be coming back with the same amount of people you entered with. There are some new woman that are created and will be new additions to your giant little harem. 

Not sure why anyone likes spoilers but hey there they are ----------------------


Aug 14, 2022

Get My Little Haremz - The Dungeon

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